Modern slavery statement

Modern Slavery' is the use of forced, compulsory, trafficked or child labour. It has no place in our business. And our internal policies ensure we only work with suppliers and subsidiaries that feel the same.

Our own business is not at risk of Modern Slavery, but some of the partners in our supply chain may carry a risk. We expect all our suppliers to do business in a fair and ethical way. We require all our contracted suppliers to be compliant with all applicable laws, including the Modern Slavery Act. If we ever discover that any of our suppliers' standards fall short of our expectations, we'll end our relationship with them.

We’ve implemented new measures to manage this risk. We've begun the process of training all our managers to identify and prevent Modern Slavery in our supply chain. We’ve created guidelines for Bulb employees to consider the Modern Slavery risk associated with a new supplier before entering an agreement with them. And this year, we incorporated sustainability risks into our wider company risk processes.

We know we can do more. We’re working to implement a process to ask our suppliers to complete a self-assessment and point us to their Modern Slavery policies. And we’ve started the process of including obligations to comply with international human rights and labour standards into our supplier contracts. 

The Modern Designer is proud to be an accredited Living Wage Employer. This is separate to the Government's 'national living wage'. It's independently calculated based on the amount employees and their families need to live. The Living Wage applies to everyone who works directly for Bulb, from temporary to permanent staff, from our cleaning team to our security and building managers. The current living wage set by the foundation is £10.55 per hour in London.

Bulb was the first energy supplier in the UK to be recognised as a certified B Corp. B Corporations adhere to rigorous standards of social and environmental good, and work to demonstrate that business can be a force for good.

This statement has been approved by the board of Simple Energy Limited (the parent company of Bulb Energy Ltd) and is made pursuant to section 54(1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015. It constitutes our modern slavery and human trafficking statement for the financial year ending 31 March 2020.

Travis Crowther

Founder, The Modern Designer

01 October 2021